My husband is the baseball coach of the school he's working for as a teacher.  I happened to find this article, which describes well what I have been considering unreasonable. So I've read all the articles. We had our first baby this year, but my husband has spent all day, from early morning to late, and everyday, of course including  Saturdays and Sundays in bukatsu, or school club activities, coaching the baseball team.  Having been exhausted, he ate dinner and went to bed as soon as he got home. We have had little time to talk together. I no longer expect we three enjoy weekends together. He has been attending others' children, so I feel sorry for our own child. Now I even hate the words "baseball" and "bukatsu." If he got some extra pay from bukatsu, I might accept his not attending our child, but in fact, he gets just a few coins per hour.  On the contrary, he pays transportation fares, buys club students foods and drinks, and so on, ALL BY HIMSELF from his wallet! He became a teacher because he wanted to be a coach of bukatsu, so I will not blame him, but he has always been exhausted from bukatsu, school classes, couseling students, homeroom tasks, answering telephone calls...  Nevertheless, he says he's doing his best because he wants to do bukatsu coacing. But now no wonder he may fall ill at any time. He has no whole-day-off at all. To my disgust, even in New Year Holidays, a new year assembly of bukatsu takes place.  I wonder if the students of the team can spend their hoidays with their families. Taking into considertation a person's capacity, I am sure school teachers' tasks and bukatsu coachings should be separated.


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